Tag Archives: symantec

The Java Virtual Machine has exited with a code of -1, the service is being stopped.

Recently had this error
“The Java Virtual Machine has exited with a code of -1, the service is being stopped on my Symantec Endpoint server”

The long and short of it is that I moved the SQL database to another server, which was working perfectly. I then uninstalled SQL from the SEPM server. Apparently, endpoint needs some of the tools (specifically, BCP) to continue running. Reinstalling the tools sorted out the problem.

If you look in here – C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\tomcat\etc\conf.properties it well tell you were the SQL tools ere installed, so try to put them back there, or edit the file to the correct location.

My own Symantec Stupidity

Having not looked at the SEPM console for a while, I failed to ntice that there were hardly any clients listed. Approximately 1000 were missing. Ooops. The upshot of this is that I discovered fixing this is a total pain. The problem began when I decided to load balance clients between our two management servers. However, I managed to do the following.
Make a typo in both of the server names
Enable SSL without an actual SSL cert

This took a long time to fix, mostly because I tried things suggested on forums before using my own brain. A lot of them suggested pushing out a new sylink.xml file to the clients to get them to update the server they conenct to. This had no effect. The file is never read from what I can tell. The registry entries didn’t change. I tried both of Symantec’s tools but after a few days of messing around with SCCM advertisements I gave in.

The simple solution for me, was to add a CNAME in DNS for the wrong server name, and point it to the correct one. Once they connected, they will pick up the new policy with the corrected server names. I also added the correct certificate in IIS on the SEPM server. I assumed it used its own server rather than IIS, but there we go.