All posts by Barry Mercer

Vcenter 4 Windows 8 Hangs / Disappears

Having trouble installing Vcenter? If you look in %temp% the log file will give a clue, but it’s not obviosu to look there. Anyway, you need to install dot net 3.5 from the Add Features. You may get an error if you can’t get on to the internet, in that case, stick your CD in and run

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs/LimitAccess


Or change /source to point to some network location that has an extract of the cd. Should work then!

Powersehll netapp volume resize

This script will resize any volumes on your controller that are more full than 96% and add an extra 5% on to them. You  can filter the list a little more if needed, for example I don’t attempt to resize any of our volumes that have the word “dr” in as they are snapmirror destinations.



$controllers = @(“controller1″,”controller2″)
$emailfrom = “fillThisIn”
$emailsmtp = fillThisIn”
$emailsubject= “Drives resized”

foreach ($controller in $controllers){
connect-nacontroller $controller
$resize+= (Get-NaVol | where-object {$_.used -gt 96 } | ft -HideTableHeaders)

if ($resize -ne “”) {
foreach ($navol in $resize){
write-host “$navol”
Set-NaVolSize $navol +5%
$newsize = Get-NaVolSize $navol.SizeTotal
Set-NaVolAutosize $navol -Enabled
Set-NaVolAutosize $navol -MaximumSize +10%
$body += “Volume $navol on $controller script resized to $newsize and autogrow enabled `n”
$body += “check snapmirror destinations size for volumes above!”
send-mailmessage -to $emailto -from $emailfrom -smtpserver $emailsmtp -subject $emailsubject -body $body


Force Nexus Android Update

Want to force your Nexus to update to the latest version of Android, yet when you check it constantly say you have it? One way to do this is to wait… the other is to go to Settings>Apps>All. Find “Google services framework”. Force stop it then clear the data. After that got to the check for updates page. It should say last checked in 1970. Check for updates again and hopefully it will be there. I had to do this about 5 times before it worked, so you may have to too

CA Migration

I’ve recently migrated my 2003 DC’s CA to a non-dc 2008r2 server. Everything went surprisingly well. It’s pretty easy. Folow MS’s directions which are basically, backup the CA Database from the MMC, backup the registry. Remove the CA. Install the CA. Restore the database. Fiddle around a bit.


The only issue I had is the CRL. THe old crl was at http://oldca and removing the CA role removes this website. Although the CRL is in AD, it won’t get updated by the new CA.  I found this fantastic article which helped immensely with sorting out the CRL. The http one won’t work, but the AD one is good enough (I hope). Just a few points on the article that I didn’t notice, its ldap:/// not ldap:// (three / ) so make sure you type it correctly! I think the whole path is case sensitive too. If “publish crl” is greyed out after you’ve entered the information, you’ve typed something wrong.