I’ve been messing with homeassistant for a while on the raspberry pi 3, it worked fine, but after a while and many automatons and connections, it began to become slow. I swapped out the sd card for a usb ssd which helped, but that was only a temporary fix. Eventually I got around to buying a cheap intel NUC. It’s a lot quicker. I stuck esxi on it as there’s a free version, and I want to consolidate my growing Pi collection.
Hasio works pretty well on the nuc, its a lot quicker than the pi. However the default disk size is ridiculous. 6gb. It wasn’t long before I ran out of space and had to increase it. This took a ridiculously long time to figure out. I tried to access the underlying OS, as HA runs in a docker container so I cant give it more space from that. After several days of messing around with SSH keys I gave up. I eventaully found a port that said to do this:
- Expand the VMDK
- Boot from GParted ISO (I had to change my bios to “bios” not “uefi” for it to work)
- Expand the partition
- Disconnect the iso, start HA
That was it.